Tenders are invited for the provision of internal catering services and Council Meeting meals for the City of Stonnington.
City of Stonnington is seeking to appoint a panel of specialist, innovative catering suppliers who are enthusiastic and experienced in providing a variety of affordable catering options. These services will support the diverse programs and events organised by the Council for staff, guests, Councillors, and participants.
To accommodate the unique strengths of Stonnington’s local catering providers, Council has introduced specific catering categories to encourage suppliers with expertise in particular areas to submit tenders, even if they are not equipped to meet all of Council’s catering needs. By establishing a panel, the Council ensures that the full range of catering requirements can be met collectively. Council has released the Tender for Contract No. T25016 – Catering Services Panel on our eProcurement platform; VendorPanel.The tender closes at 12pm (EST) on Monday 3 February, 2025. Please allow sufficient time to complete your application by the due date.
To register your interest and prepare a submission, click www.vendorpanel.com.au/stonnington/tenders
Please select ‘Preview’ and ‘Access this tender’. If you are not already registered with VendorPanel, register here www.vendorpanel.com.au/Marketplace.aspx
Submissions will only be accepted via VendorPanel. Vendorpanel is free for suppliers and, once registered, your business profile will be visible to City of Stonnington and to others searching the Marketplace for suppliers in the area.
Tender queries will only be responded to via the VendorPanel Q&A function or via direct email to procurement@stonnington.vic.gov.au
If you have any questions in relation to accessing or registering with Vendorpanel, please email support@vendorpanel.com.au, or access the Live chat function via the green Help icon in Vendorpanel.